Our Environmental Policy
When manufacturing pickles, canned food and sauce products in cooperation with our internal and external stakeholders, we abide by the following principles of our environmental policy:
Compliance with applicable environmental law and related regulatory requirements,
Monitoring, eliminating or minimizing the environmental impacts resulting from our activities,
Managing waste generated by our activities in accordance with relevant legislation,
Using environmentally friendly packaging materials,
Remaining open to public scrutiny on environmental issues.
Waste Management
Hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated in the factory is collected in temporary storage facilities and then disposed of by approved companies.
Wastewater Management
Our production wastewater is treated in our biological treatment plant with a flow capacity of 3,500 m3/h, which is equipped with the latest technology; COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), AKM and pH values are regularly checked in our wastewater laboratory and regularly audited by accredited institute.
Air Quality Management
The emission levels of the coal-fired fluidized bed steam boiler in the plant are measured and recorded online. Emission levels are kept below the limits of the “Ordinance on Air Quality Control in Industrial Plants”.
In supplying our wide range of products, which include jarred pickles and vegetables and gourmet sauces, to our customers all over the world, we meet all the required Occupational Health and Safety standards.
Our employees are among our most important assets. They participate in all the training organized for them to enable them to effectively comply with occupational health and safety practices.
Driven by the goal “zero accidents and zero occupational diseases”, we minimize risks and we ensure that the measures taken are constantly kept under control.
We adhere closely to legal obligations and standards to protect and control the health of employees, to create a safe working environment, to protect and develop this environment, and to work diligently to implement them.
Our Quality and Food Safety Policy
When manufacturing pickles, canned food and sauce products for our consumers and customers in cooperation with our internal and external stakeholders, it is our main policy to:
Guarantee food safety,
Comply with the legal requirements in force in our areas of activity,
Ensure unconditional customer satisfaction,
Continuously improve and develop our Quality and Food Safety Management Systems,
Offer our products at the best possible price by managing our processes with effective, efficient, innovative and sustainable development approaches,
Analyze and evaluate the food safety and occupational health and safety risks associated with our activities and manage them through appropriate protective measures,
Implement practices that value people and the environment and use natural resources efficiently,
Ensure that our employees develop their competencies in line with our strategic objectives, become aware of the requirements of our quality and food safety management systems and contribute to the development of these systems.
Enerji Politikamız
Euro Gıda San. ve Tic. A.Ş olarak; Üst yönetim dâhil tüm çalışanları ile üretim faaliyetlerini, enerji iyileştirmeleri yaparak, doğaya zarar vermeden ve enerji tüketimini en aza indirerek yürütme amacıyla, üst yönetim tarafından düzenli olarak gözden geçirilen, değerlendirilen ve sürekli iyileştirilen Enerji Yönetim Sisteminin sürdürme hedeflerine ulaşmak için enerji politikamız;
Enerji kullanımı, tüketimi ve verimliliği ile ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası yasal mevzuat ve düzenlemelere uymayı,
Amaç ve hedeflerimiz doğrultusunda sürekli iyileşmeyi hedefleyen bir enerji yönetim sistemi için gerekli tüm bilgi ve kaynakları temin ederek faaliyetlerimizi gerçekleştirmeyi,
Verimlilik hedeflerine ulaşmak için tüm çalışanlarına verdiği eğitimlerle enerjiyi ve doğal kaynakları verimli kullanarak enerji bilincini artırmayı ve enerji tüketimini azaltmayı,
Üretimlerde ve tüm süreçlerimizde yeni teknolojileri izlemeyi,
Enerji ve bilgi kaynaklarının etkin kullanımını sağlayarak ve enerji tüketimini analiz ederek enerji azaltma fırsatlarını belirlemeyi,
Enerji performansını artırmak için çevre dostu ve verimli enerji niteliğinde ürün ve hizmetler satın almayı ve performans artırmaya yönelik tasarımları destekleyerek küresel rekabet gücümüzü artıran bir iş modeli benimsemeyi,
Kuruluşun stratejik yönünü destekleme amacına uygun enerjiyi etkin ve tasarruflu kullanımını sağlayacak uygulamalar yapmayı, iç ve dış müşterilerin taleplerini doğayı koruyarak enerjiyi en verimli kullanarak karşılamayı,
Amaç ve hedefleri ölçerek ve sonuçları raporlayarak enerji performansını sürekli iyileştirmeyi,
Yenilenebilir/alternatif enerji kaynaklarının kullanımını desteklemeyi, sürdürülebilir kalkınmaya katkıda bulunmayı,
Enerji politikasını güncellemeyi ve gözden geçirmeyi,
Çalışanlarımızın ve toplumun enerji verimliliği konusunda bilincini artırmayı,
Enerji yönetimini entegre bir şekilde yöneterek gıda sektöründe öncülük eden bir kuruluş olmayı, taahhüt ederiz.
Our Social Compliance Policy
When manufacturing pickles, canned food and sauce products in cooperation with our internal and external stakeholders, we abide by the following principles of our social compliance policy:
Maintaining working hours in accordance with applicable legal requirements and industry standards,
Paying employees at least the legal minimum wage and not making illegal deductions from wages, not discriminating on the basis of gender, age, religion, race, denomination, etc. in hiring, remuneration, training and promotion, complying with applicable labor laws and relevant legal requirements,
Providing a healthy and safe working environment for employees,
Not using child labor,
Complying with applicable legal requirements on environmental issues,
Not employing staff under coercive conditions.